
My current research interest is in motivic homotopy theory, algebraic cycles, birational geometry, and ramification theory.

I am also open to any kind of mathematics and sciences.

Talks / Presentations

Please refer to here.


  1. Hodge cohomology with a ramification filtration, II
    (with Shane Kelly)
  2. Modulus triples
    (with Bruno Kahn)
  3. Modulus sheaves with transfers
    (with Shane Kelly)

Peer-reviewed papers

  1. A motivic construction of the de Rham-Witt complex
    (with Junnosuke Koizumi)
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 228(6) 107602-107602, Jun, 2024
    [doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2023.107602] [arXiv:2301.05846]
  2. Hodge cohomology with a ramification filtration, I
    (with Shane Kelly)
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, 305(4), Nov 6, 2023
    [doi:10.1007/s00209-023-03393-5] [arXiv:2306.06838]
  3. Motives with modulus, III: The categories of motives
    (with Bruno Kahn, Shuji Saito, Takao Yamazaki)
    Annals of K-theory, 7 119-178, 2022
    [10.2140/akt.2022.7.119] [arXiv:2011.11859]
  4. Topologies on schemes and modulus pairs
    (with Bruno Kahn)
    Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 244 283-313, Dec, 2021
    [] [arXiv:1910.14595]
  5. Structural reduction of chemical reaction networks based on topology
    (with Yuji Hirono, Takashi Okada, Yoshimasa Hidaka)
    Physical Review Research, 3(4), Nov 17, 2021
    [doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.043123] [arXiv:2102.07687]
  6. Nisnevich topology with modulus
    Annals of K-theory, 5(3) 581-604, 2020
    [doi:10.2140/akt.2020.5.581] [arXiv:1910.14579]
  7. Motives with modulus, II: Modulus sheaves with transfers for proper modulus pairs
    (with Bruno Kahn, Shuji Saito, Takao Yamazaki)
    Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume 5 (2021), Article Nr. 2, 1-40, Nov, 2019
    [doi:10.46298/epiga.2021.volume5.5980] [arXiv:1910.14534]
  8. Motives with modulus, I: Modulus sheaves with transfers for non-proper modulus pairs
    (with Bruno Kahn, Shuji Saito, Takao Yamazaki)
    Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume 5 (2021), Article Nr. 1, 1-62, Aug, 2019
    [doi:10.46298/epiga.2021.volume5.5979] [arXiv:1908.02975]
  9. Cube invariance of higher Chow groups with modulus
    Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 28 339-390, 2019
    [doi:10.1090/jag/726] [arXiv:1604.06155]
  10. Suslin’s moving lemma with modulus
    (with Wataru Kai)
    Annals of K-Theory, 3(1) 55-70, 2018
    [doi:10.2140/akt.2018.3.55] [arXiv:1604.04356]
  11. Special values of zeta functions of varieties over finite fields via higher Chow groups
    RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2013, B53, 2015
  12. On a generalization and applications of modulus pairs
    RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2014, B72, 101-117


  1. FY2021 RIKEN BAIHO Award (RIKEN Excellent Achievement Award), Development of generalized theory of motives, RIKEN, March 2022
  2. FY 2020 SPDR Presentation Session Award, RIKEN, January 2021

Research projects and Grants

  1. (JSPS Kiban C: Representative: Hiroyasu Miyazaki)
    Expansion and deepening of the theory of motives towards the unification of cohomologies in arithmetic geometry, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2024 – Mar, 2028
  2. (JST CREST, Representative: Yoshinobu Kawahara) Operator theoretic data analysis of complicated dynamics and its integrated utilization with mathematical models, CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Apr, 2019 – Mar, 2025
  3. (JSPS Wakate Kenkyu, Representative: Hiroyasu Miyazaki)
    Research on arithmetic phenomena via generalized theory of motives, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2021 – Mar, 2024
    (representative: Hiroyasu Miyazaki)
  4. (JSPS Kenkyu Start Shien, Representative: Hiroyasu Miyazaki)
    A generalization of the theory of motives of algebraic varieties, Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up, JSPS, Apr, 2019 – Mar, 2021 (representative: Hiroyasu Miyazaki)
  5. (JSPS Gakushin DC)
    Research on the category of motives of algebraic varieties, Research Fellowship for Young Scientists DC2, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2015 – Mar, 2017